MelCast (Watermelon)
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About Quality ScoresAbout Search Data

Quality scores range from 0 to 100%; stations with scores less than 75% are not shown. Higher scores are better, but differences less than 10% are probably not important.

Quality score calculation: for each day, we expect a station to report a temperature and a dewpoint at least once in each hour. We calculate the percentage of these measurements which are present. (The remainder of the data is estimated.) Each quality score is a weighted average of these daily percentages, covering the period ending yesterday and starting about as long ago as is relevant for this application. Note that the score is only an estimate of the fraction of observed data used by the model you will run, and that outages in prior years do not affect the scores.

  • Place name lookup uses data © OpenStreetMap contributors.
  • IP address lookup uses GeoLite2 data from MaxMind.

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