Grass Stem Rust Decision Aid

1. Choose a weather station near you

Use the map to select the weather station nearest to your grass field.

Select year:

Station selected:


2. Add scouting data

Results on this website will have meaning for your field ONLY if you supply scouting information:


Date of flag sheath emergence (if not known, leave blank):

3. Add fungicide data

Add up to five spray events.

Fungicide application date and type

Fungicide application date and type

Fungicide application date and type

Fungicide application date and type

Fungicide application date and type

4. Run model

For current information, leave this set to "normal". To simulate running this on some other day, select "run as if today is ...".

Choose a date from March 15 through today if you selected the current year for station data, or choose March 15 through July 15 if you selected an earlier year.

Results: Rust levels and spray thresholds

Number on dial: Rust infections per foot of row
Green: Below spray threshold
Yellow: Above spray threshold for DMI fungicide, but not for strobi.
Red: Above spray threshold for strobi fungicides

If the needle stays in the green zone, there will be no yield loss from stem rust.
When treating with a triazole, apply it when needle first crosses into the yellow zone.
When treating with a strobilurin, apply it when needle first crosses into the red zone.

Output for: CRVO 2024
Scouting: 6.7 pust/ft of row on 3-10
Run date: 10-22-2024

stem rust STEMRUST_G Grass Stem Rust Decision Aid 2018  ? stem rust
stem rust
Graphs of rust activity  ? and plant growth  ?

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