Degree-Day model apps
A single app covers all of our degree-day models. See also the list of models.
web app
Disease Risk apps
- Apple Scab
web app
- Boxwood Blight
web app
- Cherry Powdery Mildew
- (Conidial phase only; Experimental)
web app
- Dollar Spot
web app
- Fire Blight
web app
- Grape Powdery Mildew
- (Conidial phase only)
web app
- Hop Powdery Mildew
- Includes two models: one for highly susceptible varieties and one
for "Cascade" and similar varieties.
web app
- MelCast
- These are two distinct spray timing models for a variety of
fungal diseases in
watermelon (web app) and in
muskmelon (web app)
- Pear Scab
web app
- Potato / Tomato Late Blight
web app
- MyPest Page
An older tool that includes almost all of our models. It can
display multiple models simultaneously, but it is difficult to use
on mobile devices.
MyPest Page